Why Greener Glenview?
Our mission is to protect and enhance our shared environment, both natural and built, for ourselves and our future generations. We'll accomplish this through
Education, Collaboration, and Advocacy. Greener Glenview is an affiliate of Go Green Illinois, an umbrella organization of community environmental groups working to increase local and regional sustainability.

We will sponsor speakers, social gatherings, and partner with other entities to present programs on the range of environmental sustainability issues addressing our natural and built environments. Our goal is to be the go-to source for information about individual and community environmental and sustainability initiatives throughout Glenview.

Achieving the goals of the Greenest Region Compact (GRC) requires communication and cooperation among all stakeholders: residents, businesses, government, faith communities and nonprofits. We will collaborate with these stakeholders to develop meaningful ways to implement the GRC.

Local government can have a large impact on sustainability in our community. We'll be advocating for implementation of the Greenest Region Compact, protection of our natural resources, and leadership in environment-friendly policies.

Meet our Co-Founders
Mary Munday
"I co-founded Greener Glenview to give others like me a way to move beyond individual green habits. My hope is that we can work together to further sustainable action by local residents, businesses, and government."
Sheri Latash
"Glenview needs a coordinated approach to addressing the environment and sustainability issues in the Village. I hope that Greener Glenview will be a catalyst for a comprehensive effort that includes all stakeholders in making Glenview a leader in sustainability."