Drop-Off Composting Pilot Program • Summer 2025
Greener Greener is the recipient of a 2025 Judy Beck Grant.
Greener Glenview was awarded $2,300 to set up free public compost drop-off stations at two locations in the Village of Glenview, serviced by a private composting company.
The goals are to:
divert food waste from landfills
educate residents about composting
demonstrate community support for a composting program
WHEN: Monday, June 16 @ 7:00 to 8:30 PM
WHERE: Glenview Public Library

What's BAD about sending food waste to landfills
When we send food waste to the landfill, organic waste is starved of air. As it rots, it gives off methane gas and
contributes to leachate generation. The fumes and leachate pollute the atmosphere and water, and contribute to climate change. In addition, sending organic waste to the landfill
reduces the availability of natural compost, thus degrading soil health and leading to increased use of petroleum-based fertilizers to replenish soils starved of the materials
nature would otherwise have provided.

Too much food waste in landfills
Nineteen million tons of waste is landfilled in Illinois every year. Food waste accounts for as much as 20 percent of that 19 million tons, which is more than any other single waste stream found in landfills. (Source: IL EPA) Locally, this equates to approximately 50,000 tons of residential food scraps sent to landfills each year by the 18 member communities (including Glenview) of the Solid Waste Agency for Cook County (SWANCC).

About the Pilot Program
The FREE pilot program will take place over three months in summer/early fall 2025. Public drop-off carts will be stationed at two sites (up to five carts at each site).
The pilot program accepts more kinds of food waste than the Groot program, adding in meat, shellfish, bones, and greasy, food encrusted pizza boxes.
Glenview residents will be asked to register for the pilot program to receive information about:
How to correct any contamination of the carts with materials that cannot be composted
Options for continuing compost service when the pilot ends