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Glenview Garden Walk 2024

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In partnership with the
Glenview Gardeners

SundayJuly 7, 2024 • 1:00-5:00 PM


Enjoy viewing three gardens of Glenview Gardeners members, and three native habitat gardens of Glenview Native Habitat members.  

Sunday, July 7 from 1:00-5:00pm

FREE to the public


Join the Glenview Gardeners (GG) and Glenview Native Habitat (GNH), a project of Greener Glenview, for the 2024 Garden Week.  The Garden Walk includes a total of six gardens: three from Glenview Gardeners and three from GNH.  Please enjoy visiting the 6 homes in any order.  They are listed here from East to West. This year there is also an Art Pop-up with 4 artists at the Sanders' home.  


Susan's Garden (Glenview Gardeners)


Address: 800 Solar Lane, Glenview

Time: Open 1-5 pm


We have a mid-century modern house on a half-acre in East Glenview.  When we moved here in 1997 the yard had many wonderful trees,  but also lots of buckthorn and other invasives.  We hired Chicago landscape architect Peter Schaudt to design something better.


The front yard has some woodland areas, several borders, a moon terrace, and some lawn.  The front is mostly deer resistant plants.  The side and back are fenced.  On one side we have a cutting garden.  On the higher edges of the backyard are a pavilion, a pond, and several borders.


The back yard is a low spot and gets water runoff from surrounding properties.  Much of the backyard is a marsh. It is planted with plants like swamp milkweed, swamp rose, swamp euphorbia,  bald cypress, and lots of sedges. There are two bridges over  the marsh.  There is also a dry stream bed to funnel excess rain water to the storm drain.


Dolph's Garden (Glenview Native Habitat)


Address: 734 Windsor, Glenview

Time: Open 1-5 pm


When I retired in 2005, I began to cast around for something to do and I landed in the office of the Chicago Botanic Garden's Volunteer Coordinator. She said that there was one job that most people wouldn't volunteer for because it was so physically demanding, helping to remove invasive plants from the 100 acre McDonald Woodland. There I worked for the Forest Ecologist, Jim Steffen, one of the most accomplished, knowledgeable, generous and diligent persons I ever had the pleasure of working with. While we were  trying to absorb all the knowledge that Jim was sharing with our group after our workday, (which we called "botanizing"), we cut and burned Buckthorn trees and pulled and hauled away truckloads of Garlic Mustard plants over about 10 years until I simply couldn't do the work any more. Jim's knowledge was described by another staff member as "encyclopedic", and, our group spread the rumor that Jim knew the the personal first and last name of each individual plant, in addition to all the scientific info. I then began to plant seeds and plants around our yard, and by 2007 I was fully engaged in planting natives in all of our flower beds. .


As a Christmas gift in 2007, my daughter Lauren gave me a membership in The Evanston-North Shore Audubon Society. Friends from there and from The Lake Cook Audubon Society began training me to monitor birds in the local area. While I was working with the Illinois Audubon Society in monitoring activities, I decided to have my yard become an Illinois Audubon Society Bird and Butterfly Sanctuary in 2013. Since then, I've gotten certification from the National Wildlife Federation and others as such a sanctuary, and from the Xerces Society as a Pollinator Sanctuary and from Monarch Watch at the Univ. of Kansas, as a Monarch Way Station. My wife generously let me run wild with this for a while, but has recently decided that we really should look somewhat like our neighbor's yards, hence my use of Woods-to-Wetlands native plant landscaping to add a little order to the yard.   


I have seen skunks, opossums, racoons, woodchucks, foxes, coyotes, and, of course, DAMN deer and rabbits which eat EVERYTHING! The deer have even birthed and raised fawns in my yard. The bird species are simply too many to recount. Generally, in the fall, I have a steady stream of Monarch Butterflies nectaring in my yard and in summers, the flowers host a variety of butterflies.


Richard and Lana's Garden (Glenview Gardeners)


Address: 6509 Palma Ln., Morton Grove  – only 4 minutes south of downtown Glenview

Time: Open 1-5 pm


From the tiny seeds that we plant to the giant oldies we overwinter in the garage, our garden is a labor of love that includes annuals, perennials, fruit trees and vegetables.  There are about 40 rose bushes and even a tiny pond.  We use lots of trial and error that leads to beautiful rewards.  After all when it is plants, we are not hoarding, we are botanical engineers! 


Note: This garden is located in Morton Grove but is very near the Glenview Marianos on Golf.  Visiting this amazing space well worth the trip!  Richard and Lana are members of several garden clubs and horticultural societies, and their garden is very special.


Cheryl's Garden  (Glenview Native Habitat)


Address: 234 Montgomery Lane, Glenview

Time: Open 1-5 pm


Welcome to my garden. When our family moved into our Glenview home in 2003 I was already a gardener. My garden is a result of 21 years of trial and error.  I gradually replaced our lawn with flowers and shrubs. Natives were introduced as I learned more about the need for native habitat. Many types of bees, grasshoppers, Hummingbird Moths, Monarch, Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, Black Swallowtails, Painted Lady, Sulphurs, Hummingbirds, and the Carolina Wren are some of the garden visitors. As far as a favorite native, the lilac scent of the common milkweed flower is second to none. My gardening style leans towards the loose cottage garden aesthetic. My garden has been described as “carefully controlled chaos”. That phrase aptly describes my perpetual experiment in my mixed native and non-native garden.


Debbie's Garden (Glenview Native Habitat)


Address: 2251 Glenview Rd., Glenview

Time: Open 1-5 pm

Parking:  Please park on Roosevelt Rd, directly across from this home


Enjoy the gardens and an Art Show Pop-up!


You’re invited to the gardens of our 1927 Tudor House, in which we have lived in for 11 years including during an extensive addition and remodel in 2018.


The front yard greets you with hydrangeas and mix of hostas, coral bells and choke berries and other shrubs. A Secret Garden sits behind the custom-designed iron gate, anchored by two redbuds which canopy over a shade garden.  


The backyard is our joy, containing our flower gardens, a modest vegetable garden and the remaining borders of our yard are various versions of shade gardens. The flower garden, as noted above, is a pollinator and butterfly garden with an increasing number of natives, but also contains many peonies, irises, and daylilies. New to the backyard is a garden shed, and resulting new landscaping around it.  This property is a certified NWF Wildlife Habitat, and is registered as a Monarch Watch Waystation.


Art Show Pop-up This house is hosting an art show pop-up featuring 4 artists: unique

pottery, art from dried natural materials, mosaic and cement art, and watercolor paintings.

  • All From Nature, by Holly Jansen​​ (Facebook allfromnature)

  • Ray of Grace Pottery, by Sarah Pehlman (Facebook, Instagram rayofgracepottery)

  • Pennies From Heaven Home and Garden Ware, by Eileen Gustafson

  • MyWatercolors, by Debbie Sanders


Enjoy this casual shopping event as you visit the Sanders' gardens. 

Artists are accepting cash or check, and Ray of Grace accepts credit cards as well.


Patricia's Garden (Glenview Gardeners)


Address: 3826 Countryside Lane, Glenview

Time: Open 1-5 pm

Parking: Park on south side of the street when visiting the garden.


Our yard is the result of both mistakes and careful coaching.  Since we moved here 50 years ago (!) when everything was wild - our backyard went all the way to Glenview Road and we were the third house east of Milwaukee Avenue (We are now the 5th.) - some plantings have just seemed to happen.  This began with a tree from the National Arbor Day Foundation that arrived as a seedling in a #10 envelope marked "Mountain Ash."  It's directly behind our house and as you'll see, it is definitely NOT a Mountain Ash.  It's a Black Walnut.  Our yard is never finished - so please excuse our "dust." 





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