Neighbor Ambassadors: Talk with your friends and neighbors about why native gardens matter!
Join our Neighborhood Ambassador Program (NAP) and help us grow Glenview's crosstown corridor of native gardens that do the important work of supporting pollinators and other beneficial wildlife. We currently have a network of 82 gardens certified with the National Wildlife Foundation. Our goal is to reach 250 certified gardens to qualify Glenview as a Community Wildlife Habitat.
What Neighborhood Ambassadors Do
Our ambassadors talk with friends and neighbors and encourage them to plant and then certify their gardens. Many gardeners simply need to add a few native plants, a bird house, or a water source to be able to certify right away.
We’ll provide Ambassador volunteers everything you need:
- handouts that explain the importance of native gardens
- training on how to approach your neighbors
- opportunities for you and your neighbors to meet other gardeners and visit gardens with native plants
- support from fellow volunteers with GNH
We are grateful to have received a 2024 Judy Beck Grant to fund the Neighborhood Ambassador Program.

Why Our Neighbor Ambassador Program Matters
Our friends, families, and neighbors are often our most trusted sources of information.
The impact of climate change is a key concern shared by residents throughout Glenview. Glenview Native Habitat and our ambassadors work together to help neighbors understand the impact they can make hyper-locally through the use of native plants in their gardens, thereby creating a safe place for pollinators to flourish.
It's an easy conversation because the consequences are real and tangible -- beautiful gardens requiring less maintenance, more pollinators and birds, less flooding and more water conservation, and important carbon sequestration.
Will you join us?

More Information: Create A Garden
New to gardening? Want to create a native habitat garden? We've got everything you need to get started including an "everything you need to know" checklist, educational resources, and recommended vendors. It's fun and easy to get started!

More Information: Certify an Existing Garden
You may already have a garden and want to check out if it might be ready for certification as a native habitat garden. Take a look at the National Wildlife Federation checklist. It's an easy way to see where you are in the process. When you're ready, apply for certification and add your garden to Glenview's network of certified native habitat gardens!

Our Goal: Certify Glenview as a Community Wildlife Habitat™
Our ultimate goal? Get Glenview certified as a Community Wildlife Habitat™. We'd be the second in Illinois, after Evanston. We're already a Tree City, so why not add the coveted designation as a Community Wildlife Habitat™ to our accomplishments?
Everything you need to get started including a great list of resources.
Here's what you need and how to get certified by the National Wildlife Federation.
Check out our progress towards getting the Village of Glenview certified.