Thanks to the wonderful multigenerational group of 16 who participated in Greener Glenview's first post-kickoff event on Saturday, November 16!
Blue Star Memorial Woods is located on Lake Avenue between Wagner and Harms Roads -- right in our backyard. However, many of us had never visited this Cook County forest preserve, the location of a former 1930s Civilian Conservation Corps camp that later became a World War II prisoner-of-war camp.
The walk was led by Derek Ziomber, the Friends of the Forest Preserve's North Branch Field Manager and a restoration expert. We learned that Blue Star's ecosystem is known as "flatwoods", an environment even more rare than prairies. Due to many past years of stewardship and ongoing volunteer efforts, the restoration efforts for this oak woodlands and savanna treasure continue.
Friends of the Forest Preserve always welcomes volunteers at their work days. These are a wonderful opportunity help nature heal itself, meet new people, get fresh air, and enjoy a good workout.
The next work day is Sunday, November 21. Read more here.
Greener Glenview looks forward to scheduling additional 'walks in the woods' in our area forest preserves.
