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GG Comments on the Updated Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Greener Glenview

GG recommends funding the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan using monies from Glenview's Permanent Fund.

(Submitted to the Village of Glenview on March 10, 2023).

Greener Glenview offers the following comments on the draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Several of these comments were provided to the consultants by Greener Glenview members during the data gathering process. Our members participated in the walking/biking tours, in post-tour follow-up discussions and e-communications with the consultants.

First, the consultants did a superb job of engaging with the public. On the tours, they offered insights, highlighted options that the public might not have considered, and delved deeper into comments offered.

Second, we support the proposals in the draft update, in particular . . .

  • District Safe Routes to Schools initiative. For this to occur in some neighborhoods, the Sidewalk Petition Process must be amended to reduce the approval threshold to 51%. Improved accessibility for children also serves to reduce traffic congestion and idling.

  • Shared use paths and separated bike lanes.

  • Connection to the DesPlaines River Trail System

Additionally, several members with e-bikes are concerned about the lack of secure parking options when taking them to the grocery stores. We have no recommendations on this issue. However, as e-bikes become more affordable and more desirable especially by older adults, we hope that options to address their parking needs will be considered by staff.

Third, with respect to funding. . .

We note that many recommendations in the current plan were never implemented, others were constructed after securing grants. Appendix B identifies many grant opportunities that could provide funding. However, one important funding source has been omitted: Glenview’s Permanent Fund.

As described in the July/August 2019 Village Report (“What is the Permanent Fund?”), in 2009 the Village Board agreed to use the Permanent Fund for green initiatives. Improved biking and walking accessibility ARE green initiatives--whether they serve as a form of active transportation, are for recreational activities, or can reduce the amount of traffic and idling in the community.

If implementing this plan is contingent on getting grants, then making the proposed improvements may be nothing more than a pipe dream. And, this plan will be viewed as just another one that sits on a shelf as an unfulfilled promise.

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