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How Much Noise Is Too Much? It's Not Just Your Hearing Being Harmed.

Greener Glenview

Join Greener Glenview on Monday, July 24 for the presentation of “How Much Noise Is Too Much? It’s Not Just Your Hearing Being Harmed” at the Glenview Public Library Community Room at 7 PM.

Glenview, like the rest of the world, is becoming a noisier place. Noise pollution is a major environmental hazard that impacts our brains, our bodies, and the environment. The goal of this presentation is to help residents, including decision-makers, learn about the harmful impact of noise pollution and understand the measures that can reduce exposure.

Noise pollution is so pervasive that it has become part of our background existence. As recent media reports have noted, only now is noise pollution becoming widely recognized as the cause of many acute and chronic health problems. In addition to our “routine” levels of noise exposure, look at what is facing some Glenview neighborhoods: a proposed outdoor concert venue downtown, inches away from a residential area; 500+ trucks moving through the redeveloped Allstate property; proposed I-294 on/off ramps; and public and private pickleball courts. All of these will make Glenview even noisier. This presentation is designed to bring noise to the forefront as a major environmental concern that impacts the health of our residents and the environment. We want decision-makers to consider the health effects of noise pollution when deliberating on new or expanded development projects.

The presenter is Northwestern University neurobiologist Nina Kraus. Dr. Kraus will address how moderate, “safe” levels of noise interferes with or harms our health and well-being as well as how it impacts the environment. She will explain the acute, chronic effects and long-term health risks of noise pollution in the community setting. She will also address what we can do about noise pollution. Kraus is the author of the 2021 book Of Sound Mind: How Our Brains Constructs a Meaningful Sonic World, published by MIT Press. She is Hugh Knowles Professor of Communication Sciences, Neurobiology and Otolaryngology and leads the Brainvolts Lab at Northwestern, has more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book publications, and currently holds five patents (and three pending) for assessment of sound processing in the brain.

This is the second presentation in the series “Hidden in Plain Sight: How Artificial Light at Night, Noise, and Traffic Impact Human Health and the Environment” presented by Greener Glenview.

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