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Lead: An Unseen Local Public Health Issue

Greener Glenview

Lead is a potent neurotoxin and its presence in water service lines pose a hidden hazard in every community's drinking water supply.

Illinois has more lead service lines than any other state. To address this issue and make our water supply safer, Governor Pritzker recently signed the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act, making Illinois the third state in the country to enact such a law. This law requires the replacement of lead service lines.

Lead Service Line Issues in Glenview

Water entering the village distribution system

Glenview drinking water is within the federal and state standards on all parameters, including lead. Each year village residents receive by mail a report on our drinking water quality as the water enters the village distribution system. You can access current and past Water Quality Reports and learn about lead in water here.

Water coming out the faucet into your home

Drinking water coming out of our faucets may contain lead, depending upon several factors.

According to the village:

  • Older homes constructed prior to 1959 may have lead water service lines owned by the property owner. A service line carries the water from the water main in the street to the water meter in the home.

  • Copper water lines within homes constructed before 1987 may have solder that contained lead.

  • Until 2014, plumbing fixtures, such as faucets, also may have contained lead.

Note: Glenview prohibited the use of lead service lines in 1958. However, neighborhoods that were annexed into the village after that date would not have been subject to that prohibition; nor would homes in unincorporated Glenview.

Affect of the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act on Glenview Residents

Glenview has already received half of the $6.4 million in federal COVID-19 stimulus funds awarded through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). These funds may be used for infrastructure improvements and must be spent by December 31, 2026.

The village proposes to use $2.4 million in ARPA funds to accomplish three tasks related to lead service lines:

1) complete its inventory of public and private lead service lines in the distribution system of the village water supply;

2) begin replacing those service lines on public property;

3) establish a cost-share program for residents to replace the private property service line from the street to their homes.

Lead line replacement costs on private property can be costly. Therefore, adding these replacement costs to the other village infrastructure cost-share programs with residents (overhead sanitary sewers, neighborhood storm sewer improvements, rain garden installation) would be a welcome incentive. In the future, lead service lines may be one of those environmental issues that home sellers must disclose when completing the Residential Real Property Disclosure Act form.

Taking Action

Let the village trustees know you support use of ARPA funds for a replacement cost-sharing program with residents. Glenview's 2022 budget will be approved at the December 7 village board meeting. The proposed use of ARPA funds provides a head start in addressing the clean water goal of the state law. The inventory will help identify residences with lead service lines.

Glenview Trustees

Mike Jenny, President

(847) 904-4370

Jim Bland, Trustee

(847) 904-4370

Mary Cooper, Trustee

(847) 904-4370

Gina DeBoni, Trustee

(312) 650-9958

Tim Doron, Trustee

(847) 904-4370

Chuck Gitles, Trustee

(847) 904-4370

Adam Sidoti, Trustee

(847) 920-7367

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