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Results for Greener Glenview Personal Environmental Action Survey

Greener Glenview

At the October 27 Greener Glenview Kickoff meeting, we asked the 30+ attendees to complete a Personal Environmental Action Survey. The results were impressive! Here's what people are doing in their daily lives.

The number next to the action indicates the number of respondents who indicated that this is something they do.


21 Donate clothing and other unneeded items

20 Recycle glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper

20 Refuse plastic bags when you only purchase a couple items

17 Take your own bags to the grocery stores

15 Compost food scraps (in your yard or in Groot's curbside food/landscape waste container)

13 Refuse straws

12 Purchase used items in resale shops

10 Use cloth napkins instead of paper

4 Swap out your paper towels for washable cloths

1 Clean up dog poop


18 Use a refillable water bottle

17 Increased use of native plants

16 Don't burn landscape waste in the backyard

16 Manage the lawn using natural products and low-impact practices

16 Turn off outdoor lights overnight

15 Plant trees

15 Allow fallen leaves in your garden beds

14 Mulch lawn leaves

14 Take unneeded prescription drugs to the police station or the village's monthly drug take-back days

13 Purchase the least toxic de-icing agents

13 Avoid coal tar sealants as a driveway topcoat

11 Use an electric leaf blower, or no leaf blower

11 Turn off the car engine when waiting at railroad crossings or in school/park district pickup lines

12 Planted pollinator gardens

10 Stopped watering the lawn

9 Installed a rain garden or swales to collect stormwater

8 Collect water in a rain barrel

6 Participate in river cleanup days

5 Volunteer with restoration efforts in the woods/prairies (cutting buckthorn, collecting seeds)

2 Beekeeping

1 Remove invasive buckthorn from my property

1 Go to a salon that is green certified


25 Switch to LED or CFL bulbs

20 Use the shower instead of taking a bath COMMENT: I think this has more to do with personal preference

16 Purchase Energy Star appliances

16 Keep the thermostat set low (below 70) in winter and high (78+) in summer

15 Put your computer and devices to sleep when not in use

13 Insulated your home

11 Clean your air filters more frequently

10 Signed up for community solar

9 Use rechargeable batteries

8 Had an energy audit of your home

6 Installed solar panels

5 Unplug appliances when not in use

1 Installed a heat pump or have geothermal climate control

1 Limit online deliveries


17 Keep my tires inflated

13 Walk or ride a bike instead of driving to some destinations

9 Own a hybrid car or EV

9 Take public transportation to downtown Chicago


16 Eat seasonally

15 Buy organic produce

14 Eat more plant-based foods

12 Grow some of my food

3 Participate in a CSA

2 Take my own containers for restaurant leftovers

2 Take my own coffee cup to Starbucks


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